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Monday, April 23, 2012

20 random things...

1. I really want a new mattress. Ours = sucks.

2. I have an annoying tendency to start projects and not finish them for a long time.

3. A new John Mayer song came on the radio the other day... it was the first time I heard it and I immediately started to CRY! In the past, I'd always already know about a new Johnny song because Carrisa would "alert" me. :) And when we were in high school, we'd often be together the first time we heard a new Johnny song. I felt like a dork for crying over a JM song... but it's amazing how sound/music can pull you back to a different time. I miss her.

4. Emilee brings me so much stinkin' JOY! I can't even express how much I love her.

5. My husband, Ryan, is pretty AMAZING. <3 Next March we will have been a couple for TEN YEARS!!!

6. I can't wait to have tea-parties and play dollies with Emilee when she gets a little bit older. :)

7. I have a weird thing about kids and their TEETH. Basically, there's this creepy age-range... I'm not sure exactly what age it is but it's when kids get their big-kid teeth but they still have tiny little-kid heads and it CREEPS ME OUT! HAHA! James just lost his first 2 teeth. I hope I'm not too scared of him during the next few years. ;-)

 8. I think I might've experienced the best feeling in the world the other day: Snuggling my Emilee-bear in our bed while she slept so peacefully, and her Dada was snoozing next to us. I've never felt so happy in my life.

9. The 3 cutest boys in the whole entire world are MYYY nephews!!! They're all mine - stay back! :)

10. I love how much my parents and mother-in-law love me and Ryan and our baby. :) We have a great family.

11. If you have a secret, don't even tell me you have a secret. The rule is, if you tell me you have a secret then you HAVE to tell it to me!!!!! I will bug you 'til you do. So don't even tell me you have a secret and you'll be better off. :)

12. When I was pregnant with Emilee, I thought she was going to come out as a red-head. There aren't red-heads in our immediate families, but both of us have cousins with red hair. I told Ryan we could call her our little "Ginger Snap". (I also like to call babies food-related nicknames, like when James was a baby he was "my little chicken nugget").

13. When I was pregnant I couldn't get enough French Onion Dip. I ate so much one time that I figured I'd never, ever, ever eat it again. Then 2 days later I had some more.

14. I wish our friends who don't live nearby would MOVE BACK. I'm talking to you, Lefebvre's, Tatro's, and Goodlin's (and you too, Creasy! Oh wait... I guess Heaven might be a little bit better than Butte County). ;-)

15. I don't really watch MTV but I LOVE "Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory" (and "Rob and Big"). HILARIOUUUSSS!!!

16. The best zoo I've been to is the San Diego Zoo. I want to go back really bad. I still have to feed the giraffes with Caleb someday. I've fed them with James and Joey at the Sacramento Zoo. SO FUN!

17. The cookie dough from Papa Murphy's is really good... in dough form or in cookie form.

18. I love this: http://pinterest.com/pin/154529830934122485/

19. I had never heard of The Hunger Games until the movie came out. We saw it last weekend and I like it! I might read the books or at LEAST see the movie sequels. :)

20. I made a "too soon" joke about Lincoln's assassination. You might've had to be there but... it was pretty funny. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I would LOVE to move back to Paradise but my poosy husband likes Oregon. :)
