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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Here and There

My Blog entry doesn't deserve a "themed" title because I'm not sure what I'm going to talk about yet. :) I just wanted to blog about what's been going on and what's coming up.

We just had a 3 day weekend which was pretty cool. I like having an extra day off but especially if Ryan gets that day off, too. Friday evening I went to Lynae's house to watch James and Josiah for a couple of hours while she helped Seth clean up outside and work on the house. They're putting in new siding and just working on fixing up their house. It's going to look pretty good when it's done! It's kinda fun to watch the process. Seth is pretty proud of his work. :) As he should be - I think he's been working really hard at work all day and then really hard on the house all evening. The inside has looked good for a while now, so they're moving to the outside stuff now. Watching the boys was fun! It wasn't stressful at all since it was only a couple of hours and I knew that both parents were there in case something went awry. Josiah slept for a little while so I played with James in his room. He always says funny things and he's quite entertaining. After Joey woke up James decided he wanted to watch a movie so we hung out in their spare room watching sesame street movies. He told me he wanted to watch "The Healthy One" which is what he calls one of the Elmo movies that talk about eating your veggies & being active. For some reason he loves that one. He wasn't exactly pronouncing his words very clearly so for about 5 mins I was trying to figure out what he was saying. Luckily it was the first one I picked up so I finally figured out what he meant. We watched it 3 times. Yeahhh. Even Joey got into the movie a little bit. When he started getting cranky I'd turn him around and he was pretty happy watching Elmo. Oh no. It begins.

Saturday was our lazy day. We went out to lunch, or more like "Linner" at Applebees. We went when all of the oldsters go at like 4:00. We sat around saying "what should we do today" but didn't end up doing much. We watched some Lost and went for a walk... did stuff around the house. Yeah.

Sunday after church Nae went to a winery with my parents. She took Joey with her and I watched James at my house. He thinks my house is pretty exciting - mostly because it's something different and he doesn't come here very often (we're usually at his house instead). The whole way here he asked "where are we going???" He's sucha cutie. He LOVES Uncle Ryan. Ryan entertained him in the car the whole way home. They're pretty cute together. :)

Yesterday we slept WAY in and figured we would probably have another lazy day. But in the afternoon Lynae called us and invited us over for a BBQ at their house. Dustin and Uncle Paul were helping Seth on the house so they were going to BBQ after they finished up for the day. They decided to make it a "party" and invite everyone. It was fun just socializing and seeing all of the babies. I'm glad we didn't just sit around all day again.

Since we slept in pretty late and I also had a mountain dew around 4-ish, I TOTALLY didn't sleep well last night. I don't do well if I have caffeine after, say, noon-ish. I try to cut it off by 2:00pm. If I don't I generally don't sleep well. And it definitely affected me last night. I also caught a cold. My eyes have been burning all day! Today I've been pretty tired and I have a big fat headache right now. Over all the weekend was fun, and going back to work is kinda BLEH. The weekend went by too fast, of course. But at least this work week will only be 4 days long!

Anyway, we have a few little fun things coming up. Next Friday is Tammy's birthday and we're going to San Francisco from Saturday til Sunday. We're going to see Wicked (it's the "untold story of the witches of Oz.") It's a broadway musical and I've heard it's pretty good. That will be exciting. Ryan probably won't let us go shopping. :( UGH. Jerkface.

The following weekend we're taking Friday off and heading to Mendocino with Lynae and Seth (and the boys!), Adam & Ash (and Lucy!), and another couple who are friends with the Lefebvres. They also have a little boy I think. Yep, we'll be the only ones without kids. Haha! But that's okay. I don't know how pumped Ryan is about being around babies all weekend but I am! He is excited though because he doesn't see Adam as much as he'd like and I know that he's missed him being around a lot since he moved away from town a few years back. Also, hopefully having a second pair of fresh hands around (who don't have to care for their own kids yet) will be a big help to everyone. It'll be a fun little vacation. We're staying at The Lords Land.

It used to be a little hippie commune back in the day. Haha! It's kind of a funny place. But it's also really pretty around there and the cabins are cozy. I can't wait to see the ocean and go to the chocolate shop and spend time with our friends and the babies.

A couple of weeks after we get back from Mendocino, Ryan is going to a bowling tournament in Reno with Tammy. I think I'll stay home since watching bowling and then gambling sounds a little bit boring to me. :) But I'm glad they'll get some time to spend together and time to have some FUN! And maybe they'll even win some money like last time. They're both pretty good bowlers!

Ryan has been talking about possibly taking a week of in November just to get a good break from work. He's thinking November because that's when it will slow down for a little while at work. I might take some time off too to be with him. I'd like to go on a little vacation during that time but I can't think of something that we'll both like. Lately he's been kind of hating some aspects of work. He's been dealing with petty little fights between his employees. I don't think he likes the "babysitting" part of his new job title. I think he's hoping for a change - either be promoted to Supervisor (possibility - but not 100% counting on that), and what I think he prefers even more is for them to hire a supervisor, and then he can stay the Asst. Supervisor, still get experience and some say, but not necessarily have to deal with every single problem that goes on. That would be pretty ideal and we've been keeping one of those situations in our prayers lately. He has been really blessed in his job and we don't want to take that for granted AT ALL. I also just want him to be happy in whatever position he's in and not just go for the highest paying option.

So far we haven't heard anything from the CHIP home people yet. I wish we knew at least WHEN we'd know, you know? Haha! Seriously - I hate waiting. Also, not much "herxing" going on lately. My migrating specific spots of pain kinda subsided. I feel pretty much like my "normal" (not-so-normal) self with the exception of more frequent headaches and I've also been more tired than normal lately. I really hope that the meds are still working. I'm waiting to hear back from Mitch to see if he wants to make any changes to my treatment or if we should keep on going with my current dosage and stuff. I don't think they will up the dose or anything, but I have wondered if he might want me to go back into the hyperbaric chamber for another round. I wouldn't mind doing that because in my mind, anything helps. I'd rather attack it and get rid of it even if it means I'm sick for a little while. I just want it to be GONE!

So, that's what's been up with us lately. I'm looking forward to Autumn in some ways, but in other ways I'm sad to lose the summer days. Apple Chai at Starbucks, scarves, and sweaters will be a nice change but I will sure miss doing BBQ's and going swimming and things like that.

That's it. I'll leave you with some cutie pie pictures of my favorite beh-behs.

Cutie-pie Joey at Grandma's Birthday Party

James' pizza-face :) Yummm.

Josiah laughing! :)

Little Nory-pie smiling! :)

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