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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


“Mole”. I remember when James learned that word. Haha. He had lots of spots on me to find them, too. He likes to point them out. I like how his little mouth makes a little “O” shape. He’s so cute.

I went to the dermatologist today because last week one of my moles kinda swelled up and then went it went back down it was all crusty and sometimes bloody. It was nasty. Today the doctor removed it and said that what most likely happened was that some kind of pimple or wart or other bump got underneath it, and that’s why it started acting up. He removed it and then did a little cauterization. BLEH. It was quite disgusting. He numbed it so it didn’t hurt, but it was still mighty disgusting. Now I have a hole in my face for the time being that I’ve only looked at for a second because it grosses me out. Plus, I’ve had a bandaid on it all day. I asked him about a few other little ones that were on my neck and a “skin tag” that I had in my armpit for years that I’ve always had to shave around. Barf. He said he’d cut them off as a “courtesy” (in other words, I don’t have to pay), since I was there anyway. He said “we don’t numb these little ones, we just snip them”. BARRRFFF! That kind hurt but not as much as I thought. Now they kinda feel like paper cuts. So, if you see me in the next few days looking like Nelly or something with a bandaid on my face, that’s why. (Lookin’ like a foo witchyo pants on the ground!). I hope the big hole that is there right now goes away like, tomorrow.


Anyway, I’m way excited about LOOOOSSSSTTTT. It starts in 1 week from today. I’ve been emailing back and forth with Carrisa today about it. We found an episode list for the first few. It’s from IMDB so I’m guessing it’s legit. I’m going to paste it here, so, if you’re one of those weirdos who can’t know ANNNYYYYTTTHHIINNNGGG about Lost until it airs, then close your eyes.

1. LA X (the space is intentional and is supposed to “mean” something)
2. What Kate Does (DOES! Not DID!)
3. (not named)
4. The Substitute
5. Lighthouse
6. Sundown
7. Dr. Linus
8. Recon
9. Ab Aeterno (means “since the beginning of time” and is SPOLIER!…sorta – A Richard-centric episode. Who would’ve guessed?! Haha)
Eps 10 & 11 are not named either.
12. Everybody Loves Hugo (Remind you of episode, “Everybody HATES Hugo”…??)
The rest of the episodes aren’t named yet.

I can’t wait! I wonder why they haven’t named #3 yet? Weird.


In a few days my work office is moving from the building we’re in now to a building on the other side of downtown. It’s going to be bigger and WAY cooler looking on the inside. They just remodeled it and re-painted everything. My boss is going to have her own office (sweet!), and we’re going to have extra space and more room to grow. I can’t wait to move. I’m going to pack up all of my desk stuff tomorrow, and then we move on Thursday. I have a feeling it won’t take me long to unpack, and someone in the other office is doing my work-related responsibilities that day since we don’t know when our network will be up, so HOPEFULLY that means I just get to go home early. Yayyy!

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