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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Our little Emilee is 1 year old!

Today is Emilee's birthday! She was born 1 year and about 5 hours ago. :) She was such a sweet, cute, TINY baby and she brought joy to my heart IMMEDIATELY! She is such a blessing each and every day!!!!! Ryan and I are so in love with her and we talk about how cute she is before bed like, EVERY night. She makes us so happy.

Emilee has been walking along furniture for a while now, but just a few days ago she started walking with some walking toys. She is ADORABLE. I think she will walk very soon.

She is a curious little girl who loves to explore. She takes all of the books off of the book shelf. She gets into boxes of toys and diapers. She TRIES to reach the trash and speed-crawls toward the bathroom any time we leave the baby gate open. She is just starting to be interested in opening cabinets. She steals my purse every chance she gets.

She has a few large stuffed animals that she loves to go up to and snuggle. It is so cute! She will also do this to pillows or blankets if they're on the floor, and she does it to Mommy & Daddy, too, which is the BEST. :) She loves food, but has been a little bit pickier lately. I hope she doesn't end up as picky as her Dada. She gets really, really excited if she sees graham crackers. She LOVES bath time.

She usually hates getting her diaper changed because she's rather be playing or crawling around instead of laying still. She is VERY silly. She knows what will make us laugh. She makes funny faces and sounds all the time. Even if she's not doing anything silly, if we start laughing, she will laugh, and we have a laughing-fest. We do that pretty much every day.  She gets extra silly when she's tired. Daddy likes to hang her upside down and she loves it. She loves to get her ribs and feet tickled! I love her giggle. It's one of the best sounds I've ever heard.

I can't believe how fast a year can go by. It feels like she was just born. I miss her teeny-tiny little self. I have been a little bit sad that she's growing up so fast, but it is also just so amazing to watch her grow and learn new things. She has a cute little personality. I love her SO much!

Yesterday we had a big BEE themed party to celebrate her birthday. It was so cute, and we had 51 people there!!! I was so glad that everyone could make it and share Emilee's special day with us. This morning when she woke up I brought her into our bed to say hi to Daddy. We spent the morning together and she talked and talked. She talks non-stop (baby talk). She really thinks she's communicating, but we have no idea what she's saying! Haha! It is adorable though. We went to church, and after she had her afternoon nap we took her to the fountain park in Oroville with Grammy Tammy. It was perfect. She was SO cute and happy. We didn't stay too long, but I think she had a great time and it was very special to spend the whole day with my little sweetie!!! We also got a chance to try out her new trike that she got for her birthday from Grammy Tammy. She LOVES it and she just chills in it like she's sooo cool while we push her around. She's the sweetest little thing. :)





Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl!!!

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