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Sunday, September 23, 2012

What's goin' on?

This summer has been a lot of fun and there have also been some changes little changes in our lives

Emilee is growing up so fast. She's turning 1 year old in ONE week! I can't believe how fast the past year has gone by. WOW. She has changed so much. Every day she's changing! She started off crawling on her belly a few months back, and it was so cute. She looked like a little inch worm. She eventually started crawling on her hands and knees, but for a while there I thought she was going to go straight from an army crawl to walking. For the last several weeks she's been standing and pulling up on furniture and cruising around holding onto tables, the couch, chairs, and anything else she can reach. I think she's going to walk really soon. I think she'd be able to, she just doesn't want to or hasn't figured it out yet. Her legs are strong and her balance seems pretty good, but she's always holding onto furniture. Today she like, SPEED WALKED against a pew at church. She was holding on the whole time but boy, she FLEW! Haha. It was super cute.

I started watching a cute, sweet little girl part-time for a little bit of income. I watch her Mon - Fri from the morning until about 1:00. It's a really great schedule for me. Emilee takes a nap during part of the time, so it's actually a pretty easy job most days. The little girl is about 2 1/2 and she's really well behaved, curious, loves to learn shapes and colors and new phrases. Her newest favorite thing to say is "Behind you!!!".  I think she learned it from Blue's Clues. Uh, yeah, I've been watching a lot of Blue's Clue's these days, as well as Mickey Mouse, Yo Gabba Gabba (O-M-G!) - I pretend I don't have access to Dora or Barney. ;-) It's been going really well so far and I hope I can continue to watch her until she goes to school in a few years.

Ryan is still working at the same place and is doing well there. He is in a good, secure position there and I think a lot of his co-workers and department members like him. (How can you not?) ;-)  I'm really thankful for his job. Both of our jobs. He works hard and takes care of us well.

This week I'm finishing up plans for Emilee's first birthday party. We're doing a Bee theme and it's going to be SO cute. I will try to remember to blog and post pictures on here. I hope she gets a good nap beforehand. She's going to love her cake, I already know it! :)

Today felt Fall-ish, and it was the first time it felt that way in a long time. It looked like it might've rained overnight last night. It ended up warming up, but it felt nice to open up the windows this morning. I also got to put Emilee in some cute little jeans that I've been wanting to try on her, but it's been too hot. She looked so cute. The front pockets have little bows, and the back pockets are shaped like hearts. Awwww! I generally LOVE sunshine and summer time, but I am looking forward to this Fall. In my mind, it doesn't have to be hot outside - it can be quite chilly and I wouldn't mind, but I've gotta have the SUN. Rain sucks. :) So if it happens just overnight like last night, that's fine with me!

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