I had some intensification with my symptoms for about two weeks which would indicate that the meds and/or effects of the hyperbaric chamber were killing off the lyme bacteria. I haven't had the same type of intensification for several weeks now, although I have been sore (as usual), more tired than usual, and I've had some headaches here and there as well. I emailed Mitch and Joanne about possibly going in the hyperbaric chamber again. I think that the combination of hyperbaric and the 2 antibiotics that I am now on could really attack the bacteria better. They told me that the effects of hyperbaric can still help me for about a month after I stop the hyperbaric treatments. During that month I started the second, more powerful (and higher dose) antibiotic and that is when I experience the herxing. That's why I want to do hyperbaric treamtent AND antibiotics at the same time this time. I have an appointment with Mitch and then Mitch and my doctor together in two weeks from today. Hopefully they will be open to me going into the hyperbaric chamber again. In the last week I've felt really yucky but it's not the same as before. I'm not sure if it's my meds or if I'd just feel this way anyway. BLEH. It sucks though because I have NO energy or motivation.
Anyway, it's time for Flash Forward so I must be going!!!!!!!!!!
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