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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I forgot...

I forgot to mention that I'm not doing hyperbaric anymore for now. I met with Mitch last Friday after my last session of Hyperbaric. He decided to take me off of it for a while. I guess it's common for people to get better in the following weeks after they quit hyperbaric. (Like a month later or so). We're also TRYING to get me on another antibiotic but we're STILL having trouble getting me set up with the allergist for some reason! (The need to see if I'm allergic to penicillin before they put me on high doses of it). I really wish I could've been on both antibiotics at the same time AND hyperbaric treatment. But whatever. It'll work out. (I HOPE!) So, that's the latest news on my health so far... no more hyperbaric for now, hopefully on 2 antibiotics soon, waiting it out. (So far no changes, but praying for big changes soon).

1 comment:

  1. god's timing is perfect--you never know, it might have been too much for your body to handle if you did all three at once. hope you are feeling better soon!
